Thursday, September 26, 2013

Where Oh Where In The Fuck Did My Revit Go?

Fuck this program.

I was going to talk about trying to find your way around inside of a large (badly made) Revit model, but even in a simple one - it will just up and eat itself on occasion.

This wasn't even under heavy use either, and it just goes 'bang - you're dead'.  No 'would you like to try to save this', or acknowledgement by the re-started program that something just happened.

I'm willing to bet that with such a pathetic excuse for design software at the core of some people's fantasy world of unproductive bullshit, a 'message' like this probably doesn't even register.

They could probably get it 9-10 times a day, and it would actually feel like a little relief, since for the time it takes to re-open the model, and get back to where they were at, they don't have to use Revit.

I work with a number of people who are completely entombed in Revit, you can smell the stench of regret.  Their cold eyes seem to reflect a shadow of their former selves.

Even those who are 'productive' with it have thrown themselves against the wheel so hard it has broken many of them permanently.

All for dubious gain, and loss of profits.

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