Que Bueno Verte!
Welp, it happened. The other firm sharing the building with us that received a 3-day crash course in Revit before sticking their dick in their first Revit pencil sharpener project have hit their first problem that made them come to me (oh sweet irony).
It was ostensibly a simple problem with the files that they received (which, of course, were done in a previous version, requiring them to download and install the previous version). Whoever had set the drawings up had several linked files that were not coming up due to the links looking for folders on the senders server.
It seemed like a simple enough fix - just update the link locations (same as an XREF - which, in CAD, have the option to set links as 'relative' so that you can send someone files, and as long as the file structure within the folder they dump it into is preserved, the links will work perfectly, not sure if Revit even has this capability).
So we tried it, and after crunching for 15-20 seconds, voila! 'Error - blah blah blah, overlay, blah blah blah' (pretty standard Revit shit). I left him attempting to open the different files and see if he could figure out how to get the links to work (not unlike how a 'Revit Guru' would throw his hands up and tell a Revit dick socket to 'search online' or 'just fuck with it' to see if they could get it to work).
I went back to my desk and did a few quick searches on 'received Revit file links overlays, etc.' and read a few hilarious attempts at people describing the problems they are having, and the even more hilarious attempts at other people (including some at Autodesk) at interpreting the problem, and offering 'solutions' (most of which didn't actually apply).
It was amusing for a few minutes, but got boring quickly, so I decided to jump into a small voice/data and CCTV project that I had received CAD files for. I had the project set up and completed in the time it took Revit-boy to download the Revit models that he will most likely spend the next week staring at and rotating as his brain slowly starts to decay.
In non-Revit news - motherfucking Adobe Acrobat DC. Ah - cloud based entertainment. I was at my wife's office for lunch the other day, and she was attempting to open a .pdf, but at some point in time an update had taken place on her office machine that was preventing her from doing so. The best I could tell was that Chrome had updated an extension (or whatever) because .pdfs on her fucking desktop had all changed to a Chrome-ish icon.
Clicking on them would pop up asking for a username/password, and would not allow her to go any further. She attempted to download a non DC version of Acrobat, but apparently Adobe no longer allows this. I pulled up a chair and tracked down an older version of Acrobat and 'BAM!!!' she could now open .pdfs (which I reiterate - are on her fucking desktop) again.
I'm sure I'm missing some key piece of the puzzle as to why they fuck a program that ostensibly only exists to open .pdfs is no longer capable of opening .pdfs without logging into 'the cloud', but in reality, there is never any fucking reason to log into any kind of cloud based (i.e. internet based) anything in order to access or open shit that is RIGHT THE FUCK THERE ON MY MACHINE.
I don't want an Adobe account, I already have multiple ways to save documents that I can access from anywhere, and just... go fuck yourself already.
Fuck Adobe, fuck Autodesk, and if these people don't get their shit straight, I'm going to stick the entire 'cloud' directly up their ass.
Hasta Luego!
Next Time: A Whole New Year Of Derpiness.
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