Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Spam Spam Spam Spam, Spam Spam Spam Spam

Lovely Spam, Beautiful Spam!!!!

So my phone is blowing up this morning because some jack-ass calling himself 'lost_in_woods'
decided to start spamming my blog by posting comments on dozens of my most recent posts - ostensibly with the aim of directing traffic towards a website offering 'BIM Global Solutions' with the intent of garnering business from people who might click on this link.

This is hilarious to me on many levels, as they obviously did not bother to read anything on this blog (or even the name of it), or they might have ascertained its general attitude towards BIM in general, and Revit specifically.

Now I get to spend time this morning cleaning out all of that spam, and figuring out how to report this ignorant fuckstick (since there doesn't seem to be an obvious way to do it).  In the meantime, feel free to send Mr. 'lost_in_woods' and/or www.bimgs.com all the love and support they deserve for spreading the BIM disease throughout the world.

Fuck this guy, fuck this firm, and fuck everyone perpetuating the Revit lie.

MISTER Skullfuck to you.

Next Time: The 200th Post.

P. S. - Just this morning I had another (or the same?) idiot post some more spam on a handful of my entries to advertise their Revit services. I guess they'll never learn!


  1. Classic, I had forgot about your blog. You still using Autocad?

  2. I almost forget about it from time to time too - but then I receive the sad vomit that someone exported from Revit, and it all comes rushing back.

    Still all ACAD all the time. Revit can get the dick.
