Saturday, August 19, 2023

2024 Shut The Fuckin' Door

Well damn!

I'm working yesterday and Revit 2024 magically starts loading on my machine. I wouldn't care, since my hard drive is massive, but it required a reboot, so I had to save out of everything, then get back into it.

So, now I have Revit 2018, 2022, AND 2024 - but as of now (and hopefully for all time) I don't actually have any Revit projects on deck. I overheard one of my younger co-workers telling someone over the phone that he had never used Revit, and it literally brought a tear to my eye how beautiful that statement was.

But enough of my sentimental bullshit, it's gonna be 2024 soon - so Autodesk had to spread their sizable buttcheeks, bend down, grunt, and spray yet another release of Revit diarrhea onto the faces of those willingly (or unwillingly) in the blast radius.

And you know what else that means? That's right - time to do a run down of 'Whats New' in the software that was already supposed to be perfect in every way, and how dare you suggest any different? All of these 'improvements' were obviously pre-existent, and Autodesk is just now deeming you worthless peons to be informed about them!

All right - get ready, because this is actually an extremely long list - skip to the end if you want to see the sad electrical improvements (honestly the only thing I would care about, were I actually using the software).

Here's a link if you are into that kind of thing:

1) Export Fill Patterns

That's right kids! Now you can export drafting AND model patterns to a PAT file (whatever the fuck that is).

2) Simplify Topography (CI) 

This was a 'community idea' ("CI" from here on) - so that Autodesk can pretend to be listening to users (or at least those it has deemed sufficiently devout that they wouldn't ask for anything that might draw attention to the massive flaws still inherent to Revit).

So - this apparently allows the user to reduce the number of points used to generate toposolid elements (considering that I've never seen a Revitard give two fucks about the reality of the site the building they are modeling will sit on, I can't imagine this will affect many users).

3) Shape Editing: Split Line Enhancement

This just appears to be tweaks to a tool that allows you to take one element and break it in half to allow you to adjust each piece independently. I'm sure that comes up... sometimes?

4) Visual Styles in Type Preview

Literally just adds a button to let you change the visual style of the preview - for... reasons?

5) Automatic Tag Placement for Multi-Rebar Annotations

Speedin' up that annotatin' (because that's why Revit projects take forever to complete).

6) Intuitive Rebar Segment Length Editing

Let's you type rebar lengths directly in 2D/3D views... That's it. (I guess we're already padding this list out).

7) Split with Gap for Structural Framing and Columns

Okay - this is one that I could see people wanting. A regular split could result in difficulty selecting one element or the other (as the end points coincide). Plus, if you already know the gap width, you don't have to sit there and adjust both elements afterwards. 

8) Structural Section Shape Parameters in Tags

Well. I can die happy now. 

9) Trim or Extend Structural Analytical Members

I'll trim your Structural Analytical Member, motherfucker.

10) Split Structural Analytical Members

I'll split your... Oh never fucking mind.

11) Dynamo Updates 2.18

I spent a few minutes glancing at whatever the fuck this thing is - apparently it allows you to use BIM data to make graphs and shit (and users call themselves 'Dynamites', so that's retarded) It also apparently lets you use Python for data analysis, etc. what's amusing is - it doesn't seem to be an Autodesk product, so including it in this list is... um... NOT A REVIT UPDATE. 

12) Project Browser Navigation Enhancements

Apparently now you can hit ctrl+scroll to zoom the contents of the project broswer. Whoop-dee-fucking-doo.

13) Apply Area Rules is Remembered

(Pouring out some of my 40oz for Apply Area Rules) 

14) Change Text Alignments for Multiple Selected Elements (CI) 

That's cool, I guess. I'm used to just fixing one and matching properties to the rest.

15) Warnings for View Deletions in Workshard (sic) Models

What amused me (besides the misspelling of 'shared') was the fact that the heading for this item got cut off - not unlike how various elements like to disappear in Revit due to the sheer volume of view range settings (currently more numerous than the number of alternate dimensions - of which only three actually contain Revit as a thing).

16) Toposolids (CI) 

You heard earlier how you could reduce the number of points used to generate one? Well now they are a thing in Revit too!

17) Revit Dark Theme (CI) 

Okay - I'm 100% on board with this one. From day one, I was like 'how the fuck am I going to stare at this glaring white screen all day long (apparently one good way was to have Revit dicks in both of your eye sockets). Attempting to change my background to black would cause issues with black lines not showing up (because it wasn't smart enough to invert the colors). Oh - and you can have a dark theme too. Very goth. 

18) Align Surface Patterns (CI) 

Okay - another halfway decent idea. The closest I come to this is hatching, which often refuses to work the way I want it to (resulting in me *manually hatching* shit so I have absolute control over it. Credit where credit is due, I guess. 

19) Cut Geometry Enhancements (CI)

Lets you cut stuff - like your own wrists after you try to do a project in Revit.

20) Search in Project Browser (CI)

Just... Wow. 

21) Schedule Revision Clouds (CI) 

I'll give them credit for this one (assuming it actually works). Keeping track of what changes were made, when, why, and by who, can be a constant struggle.

22) Link Coordination Models (CI) 

Ah coordination - you know, that thing that happens when people stop expecting software to magically do their fucking job for them, and actually coordinate with other disciplines. 

23) Snap Points for Coordination Models (CI) 

Gotta have them snap points, I guess. (The padding continues - this could've been part of #22)

24) More Path Alignment Options for Free Form Rebar

Probably to facilitate these amorphous blobs that Autodesk likes to show on Revit splash-screens as if 99.9999% of users will ever do anything like that (except maybe while jerking themselves off). 

25) Bar Bending Details on Reinforcement Drawings (CI)

Someone's been spending a lot of time at the bar.

26) Bar Bending Details in Schedules (CI)

Again with the padding, Jesus H. Christ.

27) Custom Physical-Analytical Element Association

More wankery.

28)  Enhanced Analytical Loads

Wank wank wank. 

29) Detailed Results Report for Connection Automation Rules

Seriously, how did we ever build buildings before this thing came along? 

30) Flow and Pressure Calculations for MEP Fabrication Parts

Finally, something MEP related... Oh wait, morons think that the 'E' in MEP is just another aspect of mechanical design (which could explain why the Electrical Portion of Revit gets so little in the way of new features/improvement. 

31) Create Energy Analytical Model by Elements in a 3D view

All right! Energy! Oh wait... More MP wankery

32) Insight Tech Preview

Getting an early start on the carbon footprint of your building - not that the vast majority of customers give a flying fuck (especially if it involves extra cost on the front end). 

33) Cloud Model Collaboration Cache Management (CI)

Can't be a complete list of Revit updates without some mention of 'The Cloud' (The Cloud, of course, being the haze around a Revit developer's head after they exhale a hearty dose of crackpipe smoke). I guess I should just be happy they didn't start babbling about 'AI'. 

34) Textures Visual Style

Gotta make that massive waste of modeling time look pretty, now. 

35) Draw Order Improvements

Ah yes, Draw Order. The one thing that was holding Revit back all these years... 

36) Access Coordination Model Object Properties

More padding - see #22 and 23

37) Color Books Dialog

I swear I thought this said 'coloring books' the first time I read it, because thats definitely on the level of Revit developers. 

38) My Insights on Revit Home

We've determined you aren't Reviting enough...

Seriously - this is supposed to give you insights and suggestions on how to Revit better (begging the question of how much information about your projects Autodesk is tracking).

39) User Interface Modernization (CI) 

New. Fucking. Icons. 

That's it. New fucking icons.

40) New Sample Model and Project Templates

Oh, for fucks sake, people.

41) Revit to Twinmotion Enhancements

Another non-Autodesk product in a list of Revit updates - oh, but wait, now there's an 'auto sync' option in a drop-down menu. Just... Sad. 

42) Dynamo Player

A repeat of #11. Pad Pad Pad

43) Patterns and Colors for Structural Area Loads

You can't hear colors, but now you can visualize loads. 

44) Improved Steel Connection SDK Documentation

We gave you new API's for your SDK's now sit down and STFU. 

45) Run Solar Studies with Seconds (CI) 

They literally made it to where you can break your Solar Study down to the second. Sigh... 

46) Access Sun Settings from the Ribbon (CI) 

Great - another thing on the fucking ribbon. 

47) Sun Path in Perspective Views (CI)

Gotta get in as many entries as we can about Sun Path (did you know about Sun Path?)

48) Toggle Stirrup Orientation for Free Form Rebar Alignment

Giddy-up. Also should've been part of #24 (pad) 

49) Resize All Rows in Schedules Placed on Sheets

You mean like my spreadsheets have been able to do since the beginning of time? (Of course they aren't talking about panel schedules - although this might apply to lighting fixture schedules (although I wouldn't bet on it). 

50) Open Sheet Directly from Drawing Area

The padding.... It burns!!! 

51) Place Multiple Views and Schedules

It's like having molten metal poured right into my eyes! 

52) Additional Resizable Dialogs

What kind of loving god would allow this? 

53) Sort Project Parameters

Sorts Project Parameters ALPHABETICALLY YA'LL!!! HOLY FUCK!!! 

54) Scope Box Height Parameter

Set the height of a scope box AFTER IT'S PLACED!!! HALLE-FUCKING-LUJAH!!! 

55) Demand Loads and Demand Factors for Electrical Analytical Components

Wha..?!? Finally something for electrical?!? That's fucking crazy!!! Oh wait, this is only for determining preliminary loads. Just... Fuck Off.

56) Define Loads Sets for Non-Coincident loads 

Now this actually sounds like a new electrical feature, (albeit one that needed to be in the software from day one). It allows you to properly size panels/feeders properly - primarily related to HVAC load, i.e. electrical a/c if there is gas heat, or electric heat if there is no gas. 

57) MEP Fabrication Duct Stiffeners

Well, that's the end of electrical 'improvements'.

58) Network Based Calculations for Design Ductwork


59) Maintain Annotation Orientation Added to Air Terminals


And that's all folks! Yet another padded out list, insulting to electrical (although plumbing didn't even get a mention). All these structural improvements (the vast majority), despite the fact that structural was way further along even way back when my old firm adopted Revit. 

Honestly, after reading the descriptions (and even after doing additional research into them) I couldn't tell what some of these items were even fucking talking about. It's a rabbit hole that I'm not remotely interested in going down - but it's apparently what people who have managed to save just, like, so much time ya'll, by using Revit fill their days doing now (or, more likely, spend all their time wanking about instead of developing functional legible floor plans and details).

It's par for the course.

As always, fuck Revit, fuck Autodesk, fuck the Revit community (and their stupid requests), and if you don't like it - FUCK YOU.

Yours Truly,


Next Time: Ryan Reynolds?

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