Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Revit and Adobe Can Both Go And Blow Me

Welcome back!

On today's episode, I'm trying to add a tiny bit of text and some revision clouds to a half-dozen drawings that some moron did in Revit. 

I'm in 2018 Revit, since nobody wants to risk updating to a newer version and fucking the entire thing into a hole in the ground (a valid concern).

First I fixed the titleblock because someone didn't know there are two instances of the letter 's' in the term 'sys' (short for system) and was also unaware that we needed at least three slots for system codes).

Then all I needed to do was add the codes, cloud them, update the revision date, and print them out.

It was that last one where I ran into issues, as Revit would just stop working after printing one .pdf. It would allow me to attempt to reprint, but then just sit there indefinitely until I canceled it, closed out of Revit, and re-opened (not exactly a quick process).

::French Accent:: 'Two Hours Later'

Finally I had the drawings I needed, and fortunately the other handful were done in ACAD (by an equally incompetent moron who had pasted the fucking titleblock into paperspace - not even as a block). I had already xref'd in a new titleblock to these sheets, and less than ten minutes later I had added system codes, clouded them, updated the revision dates, and printed them all flawlessly.

Now, I don't know if I can totally blame Revit - because it's entirely possible that the problem stems from a newer Adobe .pdf printer being used on an outdated release of Revit, but who are we kidding here? Both companies suck, so even if there is blame to go around, Revit can still go fuck itself.

After I was done, I opened another project in CAD and was able to completely renumber a wiring diagram in minutes without having to battle a counter-intuitive and intentionally obtuse piece of software, then move on to the next task (also in ACAD).

It's still amazing to me how long ago I was told that I would 'have to use Revit to have a job in this industry', and yet, 15+ years later, at a much better (and higher paying) job, it still isn't true.

As always, fuck Autodesk, fuck Revit, and anyone who doesn't like it, fuck off.



 (Next Time: 2025 All Up In Your Eyesockets! Aw Yeah!!!)

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