Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Making More Work

I promised - and now I deliver.

Whoever this stupid fuck is - they, and the fuckhead they were listening to need to get fucked:

Yet another fucking architect lackey, clueless about anything past the tip of their goddamned nose, trying to give you a history of engineering, drafting, etc. in an attempt to quantify what it is that MEP engineers do.

Apparently they went and listened to some dickless fuckface 'Ron Balmer' (due to her misspelling I will from here on out refer to him as 'Rom'.  Rom apparently jacked (and jilled?) off a bunch of sad, pathetic pieces of shit at the '505 BIM Users Group'

They are convinced that the entrance of CAD into the MEP engineer/designers world magically made less work for the engineer (by 'half or more' - source: they just made that shit up).  There were obviously advantages for the drafter - but as the computer made the process faster, it also it easier to make mistakes, and have them propagate throughout a set of drawings (if not multiple projects).

If you didn't sit down and engineer the shit out of every single project - on paper, CAD, or BIM - you are going to get fucked by the Architect, the contractor, and the owner - repeatedly.

They claim it took them a week for it to 'hit them' (I'll fucking hit them - so hard their teeth will be embedded in the back of their fucking skull) that although this made for more work on the MEP engineers part, that didn't matter because (insert bullshit here).

Then they toss out one about engineers needing to be more 'flexible' (I'll show them flexible when I break their fucking back).  How about being flexible enough to let me use whatever goddamned software I want - you go and make a happy fucking rendering, and then go fuck yourself?

One of this fucktards more recent posts even has this little tidbit 'Of course Autodesk can re-brand their logo but can't give Revit a text editor as good as the one as they have in Autocad.' 

Hahaha!  Isn't that a good one?  Autodesk is too busy coming up with new faggot fuck logos for it's company:

Autodesk 2D and 3D Design and Engineering Software

And it's software:


To actually fix the glaring problems with even the most basic functions in Revit - despite most of them having been on various wishlists for nearly a decade (while Revit apologists deny that any such problems exist).

I'm sure 2014 will be making it's way onto my computer soon - I've read over a few reviews of what they've 'fixed' and 'added', none of which seemed to sound like they were going to actually turn this stinking pile of dog shit into functional software - but hey, we can always hope right?

No - stop hoping now.  Despite a pathetic attempt at trying to re-brand itself and it's software, Autodesk Revit will continue to suck balls.

I'll be looking for more clueless Revtards - until next time.

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