I woke this morning to a comment on a random post that was written in what I guess was supposed to be in Thai, advertising the 'Gangnam Liposuction Clinic'. After I stopped laughing, I went to hunt it down so I could delete it, but I decided 'fuck it' and left it there, because it is actually pretty funny.
Then I got to work and started looking at a new project that is a renovation of a building that we did previously, but of course the Revit crew just HAD to model it, so now I'm cleaning up yet another garbage set of plans. It actually started off surprisingly well, but as with most things vomited forth from Autodesk's 'flagship' BIM software, it didn't take long to start noticing some minor (and major) fuckups.
The first thing I started noticing was that some (but not all) of the columns had furred out walls around them that DIDN'T LINE UP WITH THE COLUMN LOCATIONS, resulting in a bunch of stupid looking columns punching through walls. The funny part is that I'm looking at the old building plans (that were either done in CAD, or if they were done in Revit, they were done by someone with a little more eye for details like that.
I'm just going to leave that shit looking stupid, since it has little to no effect on me (other than my psyche). It's also amusing that if you overlay this plan over the old one, almost none of the core of the building (which isn't changing) actually lines up. I would tend to trust the older plans more - since, oh, I don't know, they don't look like unadulterated ASS.
Then it was time for another fun game of 'find the overly detailed family' - which turned out to be this cart:
That's 48,629 lines to represent a fucking roll-around cart (nearly 14,000 lines per wheel):
And of course there were two of them (and of course, both were extending into walls), but seriously - who in the fuck ever needs to see that much detail of a goddamned wheel unless you are actually making the wheel?
Once again, I'll take the time to make these plans not suck dick, and laugh, knowing that somewhere, someone issued this garbage as their work product (after spending god only knows how many days or weeks beating it out of Revit.
Anyhow, I'm putting that thing on hold for a while to clean up a .pdf converted into .dwg (since I wasn't able to get some dipshits to come up off of updated drawings for a storage facility that I issued months ago (with the full knowledge that the architect was still fucking with it). Fortunately all they changed was some of the corridors on the first floor (only one device actually changed on my system).
Unfortunately, the plans are clusterfuck, and took a lot of time to clean up - even when starting with a .dwg exported from Revit. The converted .pdf is like crap multiplied by crap - but if I keep my head down for a little bit, I'll have it fixed, reissue the drawings, and hopefully put that one behind me.
And as always, it's nice knowing that I don't have to worry about my software fucking me.
So it's a big fuck you to Revit, another big fuck you to anyone using Revit, and a massive FUCK YOU to Autodesk for foisting Revit on the industry and the world.
Go fuck yourself Autodesk!
Next Time: Linky Dink
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