Monday, August 20, 2012

Introduction to REVIT-MeP SKULLF*CKERY


Let's start off with some basic facts. 
The electrical portion of Autodesk Revit MeP (note the small 'e') is a complete and utter joke.

The people at Autodesk responsible for purchasing a half-ass piece of software rather than develop one themselves, and who proceeded to force this over-priced, bloated piece of shit into the industry deserve pain - and each subsequent release has underscored this point.

Honest attempts at trying to express my concerns to Autodesk fell on deaf ears - with the only responses I have ever received coming after I started flaming them.

There seem to be two kinds of people using this software. Those who are sick and fucking tired of it, and those who seem to enjoy bending over and having it jammed up their ass sideways.

There are many people using it successfully, however it has only been after extensive training, implementation, and constant workarounds. 

It must be nice to have an indefinite amount of time to work on any given project, and customers who are willing to shell out $$$ for designers to bang out a shitty looking set of construction documents.

Do not make the mistake of thinking I am some kind of 'CAD hold-out' or 'dinosaur'.  I would like nothing more than for Revit MeP to stop skullfucking me - but I'm not holding my breath.

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