Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Revit 2016 Is Set To Suck Dicks

Yep - it's nearly that time again.

Time to upgrade all of your current projects (and any that you have to dig out of the hold-bin) to yet another shitty version of the most useless fucking software to ever infect your fucking computer/firm.

I was impressed to see something that I was literally just bitching about make it's way into Revit 2016 - which is to make the default insertion of a linked model 'Origin to Origin'!  Good fucking job guys!!!  Procede to suck your own dicks in celebration of changing a setting that should have already been the default.  It apparently finally got so many requests/complaints that you deemed it worthy of changing.  (It will even let you change it to something else and then make that the new default - hell boys, suck 'em twice!!!)

Now if the export to ACAD would only allow you to have the 'Export views on sheets and links as external references' box unchecked as a default - since about the only fucking thing I use Revit for is to get the fuck out of Revit.

Okay - lets run down the short list of updates relevant to the Electrical discipline from the website 'whatrevitwants' (answer: to rape your fucking eyesockets) who apparently got it from 'Revit Sundial' (whatever the fuck that is - and don't even get me started on 'Revit Skyscraper'):

  • Sequence for power circuits: To specify the sequence in which power circuits are created, use the Electrical Settings dialog. See Electrical Settings.
  • Most recently used panel circuiting: When you create a circuit, Autodesk® Revit® automatically connects to the most recently used panel for the current session. In addition, you can now search the Panel drop-down list. See Select a Panel or Transformer for the Power Circuit.
  • Move circuits: To move a circuit directly to a target slot without disrupting other circuits, use the Move To tool. See Move circuits on panel schedules.

Damn - that's pretty short (and meaningless), they are barely trying to disguise their contempt for the people they are fucking over on a daily basis.  If that list was any shorter, or more useless - it would be Arnost Lobel's dick.

Who the fuck is setting these people's priorities?!!?

Can they not fucking read any of the vast number of wishlists or the countless posts in forums where people who have a goddamned job to do are begging and pleading for basic functionality and some semblance of user-friendliness?

I have to admit, I used to hold out hope that *eventually* something would have to break - that Autodesk would finally snap the fuck out of it and start playing catch-up, but I have to tell you folks, it ain't fucking happening.

The problem isn't something that can be fixed at this point - because if it were, it would cease to be Revit.  It has defined itself by it's own inability to be 'fixed', and a steadfast refusal on the part of it's end users to demand satisfaction.

It has coincided with an across-the-board unwillingness for people to demand that standards be met in all aspects of the modern world.  They have been carefully trained by corporations to be willing to pay more, accept less, shut their mouths, and suck it up.

This is especially evident in the way that planned obsolescence has been allowed to run rampant - I remember someone mentioning this concept to me years ago, but over the last decade or so it has kicked into high gear.

I understand that you can't have everything be backwards compatible (cough, Revit, cough), and that you reach a point of diminishing returns in trying to use older hardware, equipment, etc. - and are better off upgrading rather than converting signals, using adapters, etc.

Technology advances much quicker now, I get that - but advanced technology isn't what the end user is actually getting.  It's often the same technology, just with arbitrary limitations.  Most of the people buying into it can't even explain why they think they need it (just that they have to have it).

In dealing with companies that offer various services, you see the same exact attitude of indifference on the part of their management and support staff - why do any more than they absolutely have to if people will just pay whatever they are told to pay, or take whatever they are given?

Allowing Autodesk to dictate how you will practice a discipline that they have repeatedly shown to not have any grasp on whatsoever gives them the go-ahead to make you to accept whatever bullshit they deem you worthy of being force-fed.

Fuck. That. Shit.

Fuck Autodesk 2016 Revit - and all future releases.  They are all doomed to be miserable failures at the functional level (and shining successes on the 'we got you to buy and use this - thanks for your fucking money suckers!!!' level).  Fuck everyone willingly using Revit and propagating it.

Have fun choking on your own fucking vomit bitches!


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